Ini & Ikono Postal Code | Ikono & Ini LGA Postal/Zip Code

You will discover the correct NIPOST Ini & Ikono Postal Code | Ikono & Ini LGA Postal/Zip Code for you area in Akwa Ibom State.

Aka Ekpene Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All areas located within Aka EKpene use 531117

Nung-Ukem Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the areas within Nung-Ukem use the same code:

Location Postcode
Akpa-Etok 531114
Essien 531114
Etefia 531114
Mbiafan Nkwono 531114
Mkpe 531114
Ndiya Etok 531114
Nung Ukem-Ikot-Udom 531114
Nung Ukim Ikot 531114
Nung Ukim Ikot-Okori 531114
Nung Ukim Ikot-Uko 531114
Nung Ukin Ikot Abia 531114

Asanting Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the areas within Asanting ward use the same code:

Location Postcode
Oduk 531106
Asantin Nquono 531106
Asanting Atan 531106
Asanting Ikot Efredie 531106
Asanting Obot-Obom 531106
Etok 531106
Ikono 531106
Itak Ikot Akpan Ndem 531106
Itak Ikot Udo 531106
Iton Odoro 531106
Mbio-Oku Ikot-Odung 531106

Odoro Ikpe Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Areas located within Odoro Ikpe ward use the same code:

Location Postcode
Ekoi Atan Ubom 531102
Ekoi Eben Obom 531102
Ekoi Ikot Abia 531102
Ekoi Ikot Ebom 531102
Ekoi Ikot Nyoho 531102
Ekoi Ikot Ofon 531102
Ekoi Ikot Udofe 531102
Ibam Ukwot 531102
Ibiono Ewuro 531102
Ikot Ukpong 531102
Ikpe Ikot Nkon 531102
Itie Ikpe 531102
Nkana Ikpe 531102
Odoro Ikpe 531102

Ekpene-Ediene Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All areas located within Ekpene-Ediene use the same postcode

Location Postcode
Afaha Ediene 531112
Mbat Aka Ekpene 531112
Aka Ekpene-Ikot 531112
Nnung Idio 531112
Atai Obio Ediene 531112
Osuk Ediene 531112
Ayan 531112
Udek Atai 531112
Edem Iyere 531112
Usuk Obio Ediene 531112
Ediene Atai 531112
Uyo Afaha Nkan 531112
Ekpene Ediene 531112
Uyo Obio 531112
Etip Ediene 531112
Ibienang 531112
Idoro Ediene 531112
Ikot Antem 531112
Ikot Ediene 531112
Ikot Oku-Ediene 531112
Ikot Okubo 531112
Ikot Onwon Ediene 531112
Ikot Udo Enang 531112

Uquok Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Uquok use the same code:

Location Postcode
Ikot Obio Asang 531103
Ikot Ubam 531103
Ikot Udo Ata 531103
Ikot Udo Eboho 531103
Ikot Uno 531103
Iton Mong 531103
Ukwok Ikot Idut 531103
Usuk Idim 531103
Ikot Ese 531103
Aba Itiat 531103
Anwa Urua 531103
Asanting Obot Obom 531103
Atan 531103
Edem Akai 531103
Ibesikpo Edem Idem 531103
Iko Atia 531103
Ikot Abasi 531103
Ikot Akpan 531103
Ikot Andem 531103
Ikot Ata Udo 531103
Ikot Awa 531103
Ikot Ede 531103
Ikot Edem 531103
Ikot Emem 531103

Ibaseki Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Areas within Ibaseki Ward use the same postcode:

Location Postcode
Asanting Utit Ikpe 531101
Edem Idim Ibakesi 531101
Ikot Ubeng 531101
Ikot Udo Asan 531101
Mbiakpa Ibakesi 531101
Nkwot Etok 531101
Usuk Ibaken 531101

Ibiaku Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Ibiaku Ward use the different codes. Check the table below carefully for your specific location:

Location Postcode
Ikot-Akpabong 534109
Ikot-Ebak 534109
Minya Ntak 534109
Ndot-Abat Nya 534109
Nya Odiong 534109
Esa Ekpo 534109
Ibekwe-Akpan Nya 534109
Ibiaku Esa Ekpo 534109
Ikot Abasi Akpan 534109
Ikot Abia Enin 534109
Ikot Aka 534109
Ikot Ata-Nung Ikono 534109
Ikot Ekpenyong. 534109
Ikot Idiong 534109
Ikot Itina 534109
Ikot Ntot 534109
Ibiaku Ata 531105
Ibiaku Ikot-Ukana 531105
Ibiaku Okpo 531105
Mbiabong Ikon-Ekpene-Oton 531105
Ndiya Mfia 531105

Ikono south Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Ikono South use the same code:

Location Postcode
Ukpim Ikot-Inyang 531113
Ukpom Ikot Okure 531113
Ukpim Ita 531113
Ukpom Ikot Udo 531113
Ukpom Atai Ession 531113
Ukpom Ikot Udo Nke 531113
Ukpom Ekpene 531113
Ukpom Nung Eduo 531113
Ukpom Ekpene-Inuen 531113
Ukpom Ibakesi-Ikot 531113
Ukpom Ikot Akpakpam 531113
Ukpom Ikot Anwana 531113
Ukpom Ikot Anwana Abasi 531113
Ukpom Ikot Edem Udo 531113
Ukpom Ikot Ekem 531113
Ukpom Ikot Etim 531113
Ukpom Ikot Ntuen 531113
Ukpom Ikot Nya 531113
Ukopon 531113
Ukpom Ikot Nyoho 531113
Ukpim Ikot-Imo 531113
Ukpom Ikot Odung 531113
Asanga Usung 531113
Edem 531113
Eduo 531113
Ekang 531113
Ekpene Obom 531113
Esem-Udo 531113
Ibakasi-Ikot 531113
Ibakesi Ukpom Unya 531113
Ibakesi-Ikot-Mbiet 531113
Ikot-Ete Udoe 531113
Mbiabon Ikot-Ntia 531113
Mbiabong-Ukan 531113
Mfon 531113
Obom Nkwongo 531113

Ikpe Ikot Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Ikpe Ikot use the same code:

Location Postcode
Akpayak Ikpe 531109
Nsit Ikpe 531109
Ebam Edek 531109
Oniong Ono 531109
Esiyere 531109
Usung Ita 531109
Ibam Edet 531109
Ibam Obot Enen 531109
Ikot Osom Ikpe 531109
Mbaiabet Ikot 531109
Mbiabet Ikot 531109
Mbiabet Ikot Efa 531109
Mbiabet Ikot Oton 531109
Mbiabet Ikot Udo-Uba 531109
Mbiabet Ikot-Udo 531109
Mbiabet Otung 531109
Mbiabet-Eyehedia 531109
Ndot Ikpe 531109
Nna Enin 531109

Itak Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Areas located in Itak use the same code:

Location Postcode
Ukap Ekpan Itak 531119
Ukpap Ikot Idang 531119
Ukpapa Itak 531119
Ikot Udofia Itak 531119
Itak 531119
Nung Okoro 531119
Nung Udoe Itak 531119
Obio Itak 531119
Obot Etim 531119
Odung Itak 531119
Afaha Itak 531119
Afaha Obio-Enwang 531119
Ekpemiong 531119
Ikot Akpan Odung 531119
Ikot Eduek Itak 531119
Ikot Efre Itak 531119
Ikot Ekpan Odung 531119
Ikot Ide Itak 531119
Ikot Inyang-Itak 531119

Itu Mbonuso Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Itu Mbonuso use the same code:

Location Postcode
Ananammong 531116
Ibo 531116
Ikot Esien 531116
Ikot Nta 531116
Ikporom 531116
Mkpu 531116
Nchana Ebua 531116
Obot Ndom 531116
Ogu 531116

Iwerre Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Iwerre use the same code:

Location Postcode  
Edem Urua 531110
Ikweme 531110
Mbiabong 531110
Nturi 531110
Obotme 531110
Okpoto 531110
Ukpa Okon 531110

Mbiabong I Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Mbiabon I use the same zip code:

Location Postcode
Ibisikpo Ikot Udo 531104
Iden Udo 531104
Ikot Akpan Ntim 531104
Mbiabong Ekpip 531104
Mbiabong Ikot Akpan 531104
Mbiabong Ikot Etefia 531104
Mbiabong Oku Ikot- Abasi 531104
Mbiabong Ukan Ikot 531104
Mbiabong Ukan Ikot-Nung 531104
Mbiafun Ikot Ntia 531104

Mbiabong II Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Mbiabong II use the same postal code:

Location Postcode
Nung Oku 531108
Oku Ikot Edaha 531108
Mbiafun Ubot Oko 531108
Ndinya Ikot Imo 531108
Afaha Ikot Akpan-Edu 531108
Aka Ekpene 531108
Eminang 531108
Ikot Akpa Edu 531108
Itak Edem Isa 531108
Itak Ikot Obio 531108
Mbiabong Ikot Eminang 531108
Mbiabong Ikot Etim 531108
Mbiabong Ikot Udo 531108
Mbiabong Ikot Udofia 531108
Mbiabong Mbat 531108
Mbiafun Eyehe Adia 531108
Mbiafun Ikot Abasi 531108
Mbiafun Mmananu 531108

Mbiafun Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the areas within Mbiafun use 531107

Ndiya Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Indiya use different codes. Check the table below carefully for your location:

Location Postcode
Afia Nsit Atai 522104
Ikot Abasi-Ufat 522104
Ikot Akpaofuk 522104
Ikot Edibon 522104
Ikot Ewang 522104
Ikot Inyang Eti 522104
Ikot Obio Ndua 522104
Ikot Ukap 522104
Ndiya Usung Inyang 522104
Ibiaku Ikot Edet 531118
Ikot Offiong Ndiya 531118
Ibok Ndiya 531118
Ikot Udu Ndiya 531118
Ikot Abasi Ndiya 531118
Mbi akpa Ndiya 531118
Ikot Akpa Edet Ndiya 531118
Nkara Obio 531118
Ikot Akpa Edok 531118
Ikot Akpa Ekpuk 531118
Ikot Akpa Idem Ndiya 531118
Ikot Akpan 531118
Ikot Akpan Ndiya 531118
Ikot Akpayara Ndiya 531118
Ikot Anyan Ndija 531118
Ikot Enua 531118
Ikot Etefia-Ndiya 531118
Ikot Idaha 531118
Ikot Nto Ndiya 531118
Ikot Obio Edi 531118

Nkari Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Nkari use the same:

Location Postcode
Anwafia 531115
Ibono Okporo 531115
Ibono Usuk 531115
Ikot Akpan 531115
Ikot Offiong 531115
Ikot Uko 531115
Mbento 531115
Obong 531115
Offufa 531115
Ubie Nkene 531115

Nquot Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Nquot use the same:

Location Postcode
Ikot Umo 531111
Inyang 531111
Nko 531111
Nkwot Ikot Akpan 531111
Nkwot Ikot Apan 531111
Nung Eyio 531111
Nung Imo 531111
Nung Inuen 531111
Okpoto 531111
Ikot Udo 531111
Abak Ikot Akpan-Oduot 531111
Edem Edet 531111
Esien 531111
Idem 531111
Ikot Abia 531111
Ikot Akpa Isiak 531111
Ikot Akpan 531111
Ikot Enie 531111
Ikot Idomo 531111
Ikot Nkwo 531111
Ikot Nseyen 531111
Ikot Nya 531111
Ikot Obio-Ata 531111
Ikot Obok 531111
Ikot Okpon 531111


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