Okobo Zip Code | Okobo LGA Postal/Zip Code

You will discover here; Okobo Zip Code | Okobo LGA Postal/Zip Code for your Street/area in Akwa Ibom State.

Atabong Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Areas within Atabong use the same:

Location Postcode
Ikot Iquo 521103
Ikot Odiong 521103
Ikot Okokon 521103
Ikot Osukpong 521103

Ebughu Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Location within Ebughu use the same:

Location Postcode
Eyede 521105
Ikono 521105
Itak Ekim 521105
Nsie 521105
Uruting 521105

Eta Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Areas within Eta use the same:

Location Postcode
Obufi 521101
Atai Amamong 521101
Atai Atai Otope 521101
Atipa Odobo 521101
Atipa Okopedi 521101
Ebighi Eta 521101
Ekpene Ekim Eta 521101
Ibawa 521101
Mbieduo 521101
Nsating 521101
Nung Atai Eta 521101
Nung Udom Odobo 521101
Afaha Nsung 521101
Akanawana 521101
Amamong 521101
Anua Okopedi 521101
Ape Amamong 521101

Ibighi Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Some locations within Ibghi, Okobo LGA, use different postcode. Check the table below carefully for your exact location:

Location Postcode
Oyubia 523109
Uya Oron 523109
Okuko 523109
Oyoku Ibighi 523109
Afaha Akai 521107
Atiabang 521107
Oyoku Assang 521107
Urue Ita 521107

Odu Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Areas within Odu use the same code:

Location Postcode
Akiba Obo 521102
Anua Ekeya 521102
Ebighi Edu 521102
Ebighi Okobo 521102
Ekpene Ekim 521102
Esuk Inwang 521102
Idibi Enin 521102
Nda 521102
Nung Ukana 521102
Obot Inwang 521102
Ube 521102
Ufok Esuk 521102

Okiuso Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Some areas within Okiuso use different code. Check the table below for your exact location.

Location Postcode
Atte 523111
Umeme 523111
Akai Nyo 521106
Isa Okiuso 521106
Itak Okiuso 521106
Udung Afiang 521106
Udung Amkpe 521106
Udung Ukpong 521106
Udung Ulo 521106
Udung Umo 521106

Ukwong Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Some locations within Ukwong, Okobo LGA, use different postcodes. Check the table below carefully for your exact location.

Location Postcode
Mbokpu-Eyokan 523110
Mbukup-Uko-Akai 523110
Ibetong-Eweme 523110
Ikpe 523110
Mbokpu-Eyo-Ima 523110
Utine Ndoung 521104
Ebighi Anwa Oro 521104
Etieke Udong Eto 521104
Eweme 521104
Eyo Nku 521104
Itak Uyati 521104
Mbukpo Oduobo 521104
Ndoung 521104
Osu Offi 521104
Oti Oron 521104
Otieke 521104
Ubak 521104
Utine Eyekung 521104
Afaha Osu 521104
Ebighi Anwa Ikpi 521104
Akai Ati 523115
Akai owu 523115
Akprang 523115
Eprang Udo 523115
Ibaka (Uda) 523115
Isong Inyang 523115
Kprang (Uda) 523115
Mkpang Utong 523115
Offi (Uda) 523115
Onukim (Uda) 523115
Osu Udesi 523115
Udung Eyo Unyenge 523115
Uke Nteghe 523115
Utit Atai Unyenge 523115

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