Mbo Zip Code | Mbo LGA Postal/Zip Code

You will find on this page; Mbo Zip Code | Mbo LGA Postal/Zip Code for your area in Akwa Ibom State.

Afaha Okpo Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Some locations within Afaha Okpo use different postal/zip codes. Check the table below carefully for your location:

Location Postcode
Eyobisung 523105
Eyofin 523105
Uboro Isong Inyang 523105
Udung Adatang 523105
Udung Esio 523105
Udung Uko 523105
Usung 523105
Eyo Ulung 523105
Eyo Uwe 523105
Edikor Eyiba 523105
Edikor Eyobiosio 523105
Edikor Eyokpu 523105
Eniongo 523105
Eye Oko 523105
Eyo Atai 523105
Eyo Atang 523105
Eyo Ating-Osung 523105
Eyo Ebieme 523105
Eyo Esio Osung 523105
Eyo Nsek 523105
Eyo Okponung 523105
Eyo Ukpe 523105
Eyo Uliong 523105
Udung Ulo 523101
Udung Usotaiudung Ekung 523101
Eyo Ekung Inyang 523101
Eyo Obiosio 523101
Udung Esien 523101
Esin Ufot 523101
Esuk Oro 523101
Udini 523113
Udombo 523113
Udung Eyo Adaeba 523113
Uko Akpan 523113
Ekiebong 523113
Eyo Efai 523113
Eyo Ukut 523113
Ibete 523113
Ibuet Ikot 523113
Uba 523113
Ubotuong 523113

Effiat Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Locations within Effiat use the same:

Location Postcode
Akpa Nkanua 523114
Akwa Obio Effiat 523114
Asiok Obufa 523114
Esuk Anwang 523114
Ibuot Utan 523114
Ine Inua Abasi 523114
Inua Abasi 523114
James Town 523114
Mbe Ndoro 523114
Obio Iyata 523114
Obong Nim 523114
Usuk Effiat 523114
Utan Antai 523114
Utan Brama 523114
Utan Udombo 523114
Utang Efiong 523114

Ibiaku Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Some locations within Ibiaku use different code. Check the table below carefully for yours:

Location Postcode
Ikot-Akpabong 534109
Ikot-Ebak 534109
Minya Ntak 534109
Ndot-Abat Nya 534109
Nya Odiong 534109
Esa Ekpo 534109
Ibekwe-Akpan Nya 534109
Ibiaku Esa Ekpo 534109
Ikot Abasi Akpan 534109
Ikot Abia Enin 534109
Ikot Aka 534109
Ikot Ata-Nung Ikono 534109
Ikot Ekpenyong. 534109
Ikot Idiong 534109
Ikot Itina 534109
Ikot Ntot 534109
Ibiaku Ata 531105
Ibiaku Ikot-Ukana 531105
Ibiaku Okpo 531105
Mbiabong Ikon-Ekpene-Oton 531105
Ndiya Mfia 531105

Ikpa Ibom Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Ikpa Ibom use the same code:

Location Postcode
Ikot Eto 534111
Ikot Iseghe 534111
Ikot Obio Ekpong 534111
Ikot Obio Ndoho 534111
Ikot Obio-Akai 534111
Ikot Okop – Odong 534111
Ikot Oyoro 534111
Ikot Ukwa 534111
Ikotn Inyang-Okop 534111
Ndom Gbodom 534111
Ndom Ibotio 534111
Obioete 534111
Ikot Enin 534111
Ikot Etefia Ukam 534111
Atanuk 534111
Ekim 534111
Ibiotio 534111
Ikot Aba 534111
Ikot Akata 534111
Ikot Akpa-Ekop 534111
Ikot Akpabio Ukam 534111
Ikot Akpaden 534111
Ikot Akpan Ukam 534111
Ikot Ayan 534111
Ikot Edim 534111
Ikot Edong Ukam 534111
Ikot Ekong 534111
Ikot Ekpang 534111

IKpo Ikono Postal Code Akwa Ibom

All the locations within Ikpo Ikono use the same:

Location Postcode
Asana 534110
Ekpuk 534110
Ibianga 534110
Iffe 534110
Ikot Abia-Utok 534110
Ikot Afang 534110
Ikot Eda 534110
Ikot Ekpaw 534110
Ikot Enyienge 534110
Ikot Esen Akpan Ntuen 534110
Ikot Mkpeye 534110
Ikot Obio-Nso 534110
Ikot Umiang 534110
Ikot Unya 534110
Iton 534110

Ukwong Postal Code Akwa Ibom

Some locations within Ukwong use different codes. Check the table below carefully for your specific location:

Location Postcode
Mbokpu-Eyokan 523110
Mbukup-Uko-Akai 523110
Ibetong-Eweme 523110
Ikpe 523110
Mbokpu-Eyo-Ima 523110
Utine Ndoung 521104
Ebighi Anwa Oro 521104
Etieke Udong Eto 521104
Eweme 521104
Eyo Nku 521104
Itak Uyati 521104
Mbukpo Oduobo 521104
Ndoung 521104
Osu Offi 521104
Oti Oron 521104
Otieke 521104
Ubak 521104
Utine Eyekung 521104
Afaha Osu 521104
Ebighi Anwa Ikpi 521104
Akai Ati 523115
Akai owu 523115
Akprang 523115
Eprang Udo 523115
Ibaka (Uda) 523115
Isong Inyang 523115
Kprang (Uda) 523115
Mkpang Utong 523115
Offi (Uda) 523115
Onukim (Uda) 523115
Osu Udesi 523115
Udung Eyo Unyenge 523115
Uke Nteghe 523115
Utit Atai Unyenge 523115

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